
Railway Bridge of span 3 x 60’-0” making diversion in between Badarganj-Shampur stations |
"Stone Supply Under O&M division, BWDB, Sirajgonj” |

Hevy Reinfocements of Auliakhana Syphon. |

Auliakhana Syphon across Teesta Main Canal. |

River Bank Protection along right bank of Jamuna River at Sirajgonj. |

Laying geotextile and dumping CC blocks. |

CC Blocks at Mathurapara Siriakandi. |

River Bank Protection along right bank of Jamuna River at Sirajgonj. |

Checking of Prototype TP Girders of Tongi Railway Bridge No. 42 in Texmaco yard |

A full view of the Girder with walkway |

Heavy Machineries deployed for 49.00 MT Girder Erection |